Learning Centre for Enterprises Development
Certificate Program on Sustainable Enterprises Development (CPSED)
(Envision Futures - Design Enterprises - Realise Goals)
21 September 2020
36 Weeks
INR 3,00,000
Enterprises have become central to the endeavours of sustainable development and achievement of sustainable development goals. It is recognised that unleashing of entrepreneurial competencies of people and encourage development of enterprises is vital to usher in socio-economic, political, ecological and technology transformations necessary for sustainable development. Development of new generation enterprises, including private, collective, social and public enterprises, contribute towards market expansion and employment generation in an eco-system conducive for emergence of start-up enterprises and supportive environment for their growth and sustainability.
Sagar Group of Institutions (SGI) is establishing a Learning Centre for Enterprises Development (LCED) and contribute significantly to efforts of public, private and civil society initiatives through academic programmes and activities of teaching, training and research. These academic programmes and activities aim at enhancing business skills, managerial, leadership and entrepreneurial competencies of the participants and prepare them for enterprises development that will add to economic and social value in food and agri business domain to begin with.
LCED is offering to conduct a Certificate Programme on Sustainable Enterprises Development (CPSED), aiming to enhance business know-how, entrepreneurial, managerial and leadership competencies of participants.
The preferred participants for the CPSED should be a graduate, aspiring to work for setting up new or strengthening existing enterprises to develop sustainably in any of the following:
- Become an entrepreneur by setting up a new enterprise or reviving an existing enterprise.
- Become a social entrepreneur contributing to the development of social enterprises.
- Promotion of new and strengthening of existing public and collective enterprises including Cooperatives and Producer Companies etc.
- Build on the legacy of family enterprises.
CPSED curriculum is designed to impart Knowledge, help acquisition of Skills through appropriate practice and instil Attitudes through experiential learning from exposure and apprenticeship. Courses aimed to enhance business skills, managerial leadership and entrepreneurial competencies will have six modules of interactive learning and three modules of experiential learning through apprenticeship and praxis and specific assignments and project work.
The interactive learning will spread over six modules; each module having four courses spread over 4 weeks (sessions + evaluation) as depicted below and each course having 20 sessions of 90 minutes each session and daily four sessions. Total Duration of the Certificate Program will be 36 weeks and the suggested sequence of modules is as follows:
Stage I
ILM 1: Foundations, ILM 2: Functions
ILM 3: Integration, ELM 1: Exploration
Stage 2
ILM 4: Design, ILM 5: Catalysts
ELM 2: Experiencing
Stage 3
ILM 6: Ecosystem
ELM 3: Actualisation
Six Interactive Learning Module
1. Enterprise Economics
2. Enterprise Accounting & Book-Keeping
3. Business Analytics
4. Business Perspectives
1. Production & Operations Management
2. Financial Management
3. Marketing Management
4. Organisation Behaviour and Development
1. Total Quality Management
2. Strategic Management
3. Project Management
4. Participatory Governance and Management
1. Value Chain Perspectives
2. Business Models and Plans
3. Costing & Control Systems
4. Enterprise Development
1. Risk Mitigation
2. IT Enabled Services (including MIS, GIS, Digital Marketing)
3. Market Research
4. Micro finance and Insurance Services and Community Enterprises
1. Values, Ethics & Leadership
2. Business Environment (including GST, Legal etc.)
3. International Trade
4. Futures and Derivatives
Three Experiential Learning Modules will be for 4 weeks each.
- Exploration: Experiential Learning Module I
Enterprise Planning including Pre-Start-Up Planning, Sector Analysis, and Comprehensive Feasibility Study including product development, pricing, market segmentation plans, financial and economic environmental sustainability, social costs-benefits analysis etc.,
Start-up Enterprise Planning
It is very important to primarily identify which ideas can successfully go through the incubation process. This phase of pre-incubation can prepare participants for the incubation phase by providing them prerequisite skills and knowledge that will help them validate and assess their ideas as well as define their business models in detail. In the pre-incubation planning phase, the following activities are to be performed:
- Business Enterprise Ideation: Participant idea needs to be tested before applying for incubation. Academic Institutions must ensure pre-incubation qualification of a student’s business idea.
- Sector Study
- Comprehensive Feasibility Study
- Design of Business Enterprise, Development of Business Model and Business Plan
- Experiencing: Experiential Learning Module II
Apprenticeship and Management Internship in an appropriate Enterprise for appreciation of business, enterprise and product life cycles, and to formulate appropriate strategies.
Apprenticeship and Management Internship
Participants will be placed in Entrepreneurship Supportive Institutions (Techno-managerial and Financial), and preferably, student driven start-ups to enable them to learn the basics of enterprise management and gain ideas about the extent of support available to start-up entrepreneurs. Admission to Incubator/ Co-working Space for apprenticeship and interns: Admission into a start-up incubation/co-working space programme of any TBI (approved by GoI) is permissible.
- Actualising: Experiential Learning Module III
Enterprise Launching including registration, acquisition of licences, establishing, facilities, forward and backward linkages, arrangements for finance, value chain logistics and manpower etc.,
Business Enterprise Launch
Relevant details of promoters are required to be validated before allowing start-ups to enter the incubation process.
Registration of Start-up: The Start-up needs to be registered under a form of business entity like Partnership Firm, LLP, Private Limited Company and One Person Company. Start-ups should be able to provide a copy of the registration certificate/letter to his/ her academic institution.
Any graduate in any subject is eligible for admission. Admission is based on assessment of aptitude, psychometric suitability and personality by a panel of experts drawn from entrepreneurs, academicians and enterprises support agencies.
Please fill admission form by clicking on https://tinyurl.com/y2qtghvn
The entire certificate program will be Rs 3 lakh per participant.
Interactive Learning Modules Fee
Fee per course @Rs 10000 per course = 24×10000 = Rs 2,40, 000
Experiential Learning Modules Fee
Fee for Guidance and Evaluation Per participant @20000 per module = Rs 60, 000
Participant’s board, lodge and contingency expenditure is additional and is estimated @Rs 10000 per month for the number of months the candidate stays in hostel.
Fellowships and Scholarships are limitedly available but LCED will strive for securing support to participants to partially or fully defray the costs of the programme while pursuing the programme and support for development of enterprises on their own or as a part of a promotional agency.
Prof. Nilendu Mukherjee
Prof. Mahipal Reddy
Prof. Ramakrishna
Interactive Learning Module 1
1. Enterprise Economics
The basic objective of this course in economics is to familiarise the participants with the fundamental economic principles, and to examine the ways by which these principles could profitably be employed in the context of enterprise decision-making. This course deals with micro-economic issues and principles involving households and firms, mainly in the areas of Demand and Supply; Production and Cost of Firms; Price/Output Decisions by firms under varying market conditions; and factor pricing. Focus is to familiarise students with the concepts and analytical tools from micro economic theory that are useful to entrepreneurs in making decisions at the firm level – whether the business is directly involved in production, value-additions to raw inputs, or provides support services including the distribution, processing, packaging, and marketing of final products.
2. Enterprise Accounting & Book Keeping
The course is designed to provide an understanding of the role and relevance of accounting function in an organisation and also the basic concepts, techniques and methodologies relevant to accounting function and Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. Fundamentals of Accounting: Basic understanding of accounting, Conceptual framework of financial statements Business transactions to trial balance, Trial balance to Balance sheet and profit and loss account for non-corporate and corporate entities. Asset Valuation: Valuation of Tangible Fixed Assets, Depreciation on fixed assets, valuation of assets under finance lease and intangible assets, amortisation and asset impairment, Valuation of inventories, valuation of investments. Understanding Corporate financial statements: Corporate Balance sheet, corporate profit and loss account, Notes to the accounts and significant accounting policies, understanding and constructing corporate cash flow statement, other financial reports- Auditors report and Directors report, corporate governance report. Financial Statement Analysis: Financial Statement Analysis using the tool kit of Multi step Income statement, horizontal analysis, common size analysis, Trend analysis, Earning per share analysis, Ratio analysis, analysis of cash flow statement. Contemporary issues in financial Accounting: Global financial reporting, GAAPs and IFRSs, IAS, Indian GAAP and US GAAP, Foreign currency accounting, Inflation Accounting, Human Resource Accounting, Environment accounting, Responsibility Accounting.
3. Business Analytics
This course is designed to impart understanding of basic concepts, techniques and methodologies for analytical decision-making across the spectrum of managerial tasks and functions using Excel. Topics covered in this course are: Collection, Presentation and Summarisation of Data; Probability Concepts; Basic Distributions; Correlation and Regression; Methods of Sampling; Index Number and Time Series Analysis. Tests of Hypothesis (concerning one and two populations); Points and Interval Estimation; Analysis of Variance; Measures of Association; Goodness of Fit Test; Non-parametric Tests. This course helps students to understand and formulate managerial situations in a decision theoretic framework. It focuses on developing skills in structuring and analyzing problems and to inculcate the attitude of developing an executable solution to the problem with the help of some statistical techniques using Excel.
4. Business Perspectives
Participants will analyze the fundamental processes that comprise a business system, building a conceptual understanding of how businesses emerge and prosper. Participants will examine business functions, resources, and processes in order to appreciate their synergy and interrelatedness. Goods and Services are categorised as public, private, common and collective goods. Enterprises are also categorised as public, private, social and collective enterprises. Governance, management of operations and shareholders/members/stakeholders’ systems differ across them. Notion of citizenship, ownership, membership and trusteeship elements inform leadership behaviours.
Interactive Learning Module 2
1. Production and Operations Management
The objective of this course is to expose the learner to the field of production and operations management. The focus will be on imparting knowledge of the basic concepts, tools, and functions of production and management as applicable to food and agribusiness enterprises. Topics covered include Linear Programming; Transportation and assignment problems; Goal Programming. Queuing Models and their applications; Integer Programming; Decision Analysis; Simulation.
2. Organisation Behavior and Development
This course provides framework to the students to understand the human behavior dynamics in work organizations through the study of the individual, the group and the organizational system. The course is designed to develop an understanding of behaviour of an individual and groups in organisational setting. Diagnosis and Prediction of Individual Behaviour; Group Behaviour- inter and intra, Organisation Culture and Traditions; Inter-Personal Skills and sensitivity. The course is designed to provide an understanding of self, personality, perception, motivation and team work in an organisation context.
3. Financial Management
The course aims to make students proficient in concepts and techniques of financial management. Focus will be on developing understanding of the application of Financial and investment decisions. This course is designed to enable the students to make optimal use of the financial resources of the organisation. Major topics covered in the course are: Funds Flow Analysis; Basic Concepts of Working Capital Management; Forecasting Working Capital Needs; Cash Management. The major emphasis of the course will be on financing, investment and distribution decisions. Major components of the course include: Capital Budgeting Decisions; Leverage, Capital Structure and Planning; Dividend Decisions; Leasing; Mergers and Takeovers
4. Marketing Management
This course helps the students in understanding of the fundamental concepts of marketing & the environment in which marketing system operates. It also helps students in analyzing the motives influencing buying behavior & describing major bases for segment marketing, target marketing, and market positioning. It also helps in identifying a conceptual framework, covering basic elements of the marketing mix and to understand fundamental premise underlying market driven strategies. Major topics covered in the first course are : Analyzing the marketing environment and consumer behavior; Identifying market segments and selecting target markets; Differentiating and positioning the market offer; Developing , testing, and launching new products and services; Managing product life cycles and strategies; Managing product lines, brands and packaging and Designing pricing strategies and programs.
Interactive Learning Module 3
1. Total Quality Management
TQM is applied in many organizations with the objective to improve product quality and increased customer satisfaction and is divided into six elements: top management commitment; customer focus; supply chain quality management; people management; continuous improvement; and process management. It is widely accepted that Quality Management Systems approach is indicated to ensure quality of products and services. Furthermore, Total Quality Management, Six Sigma, ISO Standards and Hoshin Kanri have established as important management systems for quality guarantee in many production processes. Agriculture and livestock systems prefer to incorporate best practices, traceability, animal and crop control, government regulations and certifications to quality guarantee.
2. Strategic Management
The course covers strategy formulation and implementation issues respectively. Basic concepts of SM; Creating a learning organisation; Basic model of SM; Strategic decision making; Scanning the environment: Industry analysis; Competitive intelligence; Forecasting; Synthesis of external factors; ETOP Study. Internal scanning: Organisational analysis; resource-based approach; value chain analysis; Scanning functional resources; Strategic audit; Strategy formulation: Situational analysis: SWOT analysis, TOWS Matrix; Corporate strategy; Strategies for growth and diversification; Process of strategic planning; Stages of corporate development; Portfolio analysis; Corporate parenting; Functional strategy; Core competencies; Strategic choice. Strategy implementation and control: Organising for action; Developing programmes, budgets and procedures; Strategy implementation through structure, values, and ideologies; McKinsey’s 7s framework; Acquisition of resources and competence; Organization life cycle; Management & Control, Activity- based costing; Strategic Information Systems: The course also covers: Resource Allocation; Organisation Structure, Systems, Skills, Functional Policies; and Leadership Styles.
3. Projects Management
The concept of the project life cycle; peculiarities of food and agribusiness projects form core of this course. Diverse skills needed in project management; project selection, design, appraisal, execution including resource management, monitoring and control; network techniques; appreciation and use of project management software will be imparted through this course. Project Identification Analysis: Socio-economic Consideration in Project Formulation; Investment Opportunities; Project Screening and Presentation of Projects of Decision Making; Expansion of Capacity; Diversification. Market and Technical Analysis: Market and Demand Analysis – Market Survey, Demand Forecasting, Uncertainties in Demand Forecasting; Technical Analysis- Product Mix, Plant Capacity, Materials and Inputs, Machinery and Equipment. Project Costing and Finance: Cost of project; Cost of production; Break even Analysis; Means of Financing Project; Tax Aspects in Project Finance; Role of Financial Institution in Project Finance. Project Appraisal: Time Value of Money; Project Appraisal Techniques – Payback Period, Accounting Rate of Return, Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, Benefit Cost Ratio; Social Cost Benefit Analysis; Effective Rate of Protection. Risk Analysis: Measures of Risk; Sensitivity Analysis; Stimulation Analysis; Decision Tree Analysis.
4. Participatory Governance & Management
The course helps to discover the basic characteristics of a business-oriented enterprises and the different legal, labour, tax, environmental and health aspects that must be considered for successfully formalizing the activity of the enterprise. It also helps to assess the importance of participatory governance and management of Private, Public, Social and Collective Enterprises; Organisational Design business performance, capital structure and leadership issues, competitive and comparative advantages of business models and assessment of enterprise performance.
Interactive Learning Module 4
1. Costing and Control Systems
The subject is intended to give students an understanding on various concepts and terminologies used in cost management and critically evaluate various costing methods and techniques such as marginal costing, budgetary control, standard costing and activity based costing, variance analysis etc. It helps in applying and analyzing various costing methods and techniques mentioned above. Understand various cost methods and techniques with their features, merits and demerits). It helps in demonstrating the application of cost sheet, marginal costing, budgetary control techniques, Activity based costing etc.
2. Value Chain Perspectives
This course will help students to know about value chains consisting of all the stakeholders who participate in the coordinated production and value-adding activities that are needed to make any product. Value chain analysis will help helps students in identifying chain actors at each stage and discerning their functions and relationships; determining the chain governance, or leadership, to facilitate chain formation and strengthening; and identifying value adding activities in the chain and assigning costs and added value to each of those activities. By going beyond the traditional narrow focus on production, value chain analysis overcomes several important limitations of traditional sector assessments which tend to ignore the dynamic linkages with and among productive activities that occur outside the gambit.
3. Enterprise Development
Developing entrepreneurship spirit and abilities in the students by exposing them to food and agri business opportunities and imparting skills and techniques of exploring these opportunities through innovative design of business models and crafting of business enterprises. It is also aimed to educate about the legal forms and formalities of setting up of an enterprise, its governance and management systems. Entrepreneurship: Concept and Definitions; Entrepreneurship in food and agri business Development; Classification and Types of Entrepreneurs; Entrepreneurial Competencies; Economic, Non-Economic Factors Affecting Entrepreneurial Growth; Traits/Qualities of an Entrepreneur; Entrepreneur life cycle and organisation life cycles.
4. Business Models and Plans
The business model encompasses your product or service, your customers, and the key resources, process, metrics and norms, capital and cost structures, revenue and margin models, that will enable you to meet your profitability and growth objectives. This course introduces a structured way to think about, analyze, and develop a sound business model and business plans.
Interactive Learning Module 5
1. IT Enabled Services (MIS, GIS, Digital Marketing)
This course will help students relate the basic concepts and technologies used in the field of management information systems; compare the processes of developing and implementing information systems outline the role of the ethical, social, and security issues of information systems. Translate the role of information systems in organizations, the strategic management processes, with the implications for the management.
Geographic Information Systems are powerful decision-making tools for any business or industry since it allows the analyzation of environmental, demographic, and topographic data. Data intelligence compiled from GIS applications help various industries, and consumers, make informed decisions.
You will also be introduced to the concept of Digital Marketing and preparing a Digital Marketing plan.
2. Risk Mitigation
This course helps the participants to understand the approach to risk management through risk identification, risk measurement and risk management (or mitigation) strategies. Participants will be able to learn about the risks and explain uncertainty that exists in industry; the process adopted by banks and financial institutions for evaluating risks in finance; the process used by banks to analyze a credit line; the process used by banks to analyze repayment capacity; the debt structures and average loan size in finance and the risk mitigating strategies used to reduce risks and uncertainties in finance. Risk mitigation mechanisms embedded in design of organisations and capital structure are also covered.
3. Market Research
The subject helps participants in understanding the basic components of research design and helps in gaining an insight into the applications of research methods as applicable in enterprises. It also helps in understanding various research approaches, techniques and strategies appropriate to the business. The course will also help in developing necessary critical thinking skills in order to evaluate different research approaches in business. It consists of scale of measurement, sources of data, sampling concepts, etc.
4. Micro finance and Insurance Services and Community Enterprises
This course charts the journey from microcredit and microfinance to a more holistic financial inclusion agenda; with the focus on community owned and based microfinance models. Participants will go through in-depth study of members owned models such as Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs), Self-Help-Groups (SHGs), Financial Cooperatives and Credit Unions, and the latest developments and innovations on the ground including informal savings groups linkages with Banks and MFIs, mobile banking, II tier institutions and value-chain finance.
Interactive Learning Module 6
1. Business Environment (including GST, Legal etc.)
Enabling environments are forged by the traditional, broader macro-level forces (political, social and economic) that are relevant to all sectors of an economy.
This course provides participants with insights into the core concepts of incorporation of company, cooperative or producer company; to understand pros and cons of various policies and procedures of taxation (GST), governance and management, gain insights into various procedures of compliance, investigation & winding up. With increasing globalization and governmental regulation for all business activities, the survival and growth of the organization depend to a large extent on their compliance of existing regulations individually, as well as their ability to influence public policies in the area of their concern collectively.
2. Values, Ethics & Leadership
This course is intended to help participants self-clarify their value inclination; to sensitise them about ethical dilemmas involved in performing the role of food and agri business manager and to assist them in developing an ethical framework for guiding their managerial decisions, actions and relations. Value orientation and change processes, ethical standards for business, ethics in functional areas of management, Improvement is expected in ethical reasoning as compared to rationalising by correlating moral concepts to managerial practices through clarification of self-concept and world view that underlie the managerial behaviour and sensitisation to human values in analysing social, economic, ecological, political aspects of managerial problems.
Topics include the major ethical constructs and practical leadership skills.
4. International Trade
This course will familiarize participants with theories and policies that guide international trade. Participants learn why international trade is important for the enterprises, and they examine how it effects production and profit.
They will also be exposed to the concepts of Import & Export.
3. Futures and Derivatives
This course aims at making the participants familiar with the logic, practice and instruments of the futures and derivatives. These markets are increasingly becoming functional now under the liberalized market and policy environment. The course will examine the nature of these markets, major instruments and tools of their performance assessment and global trends.