A place for learning, discovery, innovation, expression and discourse

Director’s Message

At SGI, we concur with the opinion that ‘education must …simultaneously provide maps of a complex world in constant turmoil and the compass that will enable people to find their way in it’. (Delors et al, p85). This has encouraged us to appreciate how important curriculum change is becoming, in as much as it is essential that what students learn is relevant to them as individuals and members of society, in their present and future contexts. SGI strives in enabling learners to become not only successful learning achievers but also responsible citizens, effective workers, caring community members, and life-long learners, in an increasingly interdependent world.

In line with its motto of Service to Society through Education, SGI believes if education is to succeed in its tasks, curriculum as its core should be restructured or repacked around the four pillars of learning articulated by UNESCO: learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together, and learning to be. SGI has constituted Academic Council with Prof K Prathap Reddy, Former Director, IRMA, Anand, Gujarat as Chairperson to guide through not only the curriculum review and change process but also the faculty induction, development and performance monitoring processes to ensure the achievement of end results and purposes.

We look forward to the whole hearted participation of all the stakeholders and well-wishers including industry partners, faculty, students and staff in these endeavors to fulfill the motto of Service to Society through Education.

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Flame of Forest,
Chevella – Urella Road
Urella (PO), Chevella-501 503
Hyderabad, Telangana, India

Phone : 8886301166, 8886301155

E-mail :admissions@sgih.ac.in,



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